Joseph Wallis 1826 -

Joseph Wallis a flute maker founded his company in 1848 and it initially grew making woodwind and brass instruments then went on to include the piano, harmonium and organ.
It became Joseph Wallis and Son in 1883 operating out of 133-5 Euston Road London and was exporting instruments all over the world.
The company won medals at the 1885 London Exhibition and about that time was importing either Banjos or Banjo parts (and assembling them) from JH Buckbee in New York. He was still listed as a banjo/multiple musical in strument maker out of the same address in 1915.
6 or 7 string banjos were specifically made for the English market and are rarely seen it the USA.
The originally gut strung example clearly shows the “JHB” of Buckbee and includes the "Guaranteed American Made" impression on the dowel stick.
Images courtesy of Maurice Benton