... Â was in partnership with G R and J H Martin in 1872 trading as Martin, Pollmann & Co. but by 1880 Pollman was an established manufacturer and importer in New York.
His wide interests in all types of fretted and automated instruments led to him being granted a patent for a harp attachment for a guitar. Â He is best known however for his long necked, flat mandolin bodied 5 string banjos and 6 string guitars. Â
Trading out of  70-72 Franklin Street in 1904 his business was incorporated and his two sons Edwin and Arthur joined the board. Â
The following year the business moved to 91-93 Mercer Street by which time their range had expanded to include band instruments, violins and accordeons, but the company soon went bancrupt, the whole stock being purchased and sold off by Buegeleisen & Jacobsen.
August Pollmann