...  a well-known teacher of the banjo, mandolin and guitar was born in Hove and settled in Brighton, Sussex in 1883.  For many years he conducted a successful teaching studio there and led an amateur B. M. & G. orchestra in the seaside town.
At the turn of the century he established a teaching studio at John Alvey Turner's in London which he attended twice a week and for some time he also conducted a London amateur B. M. & G. Orchestra. Â He was a self-taught player of the banjo, having started to play on seven string instrument.
He became well-known as a banjo soloist after he changed to the five-string instrument and until 1893 used a Weaver banjo. He started to play and sell his "own make" banjos but the instruments bearing his name as maker, were made for him by John E.Dallas. Â
Images courtesty of Chris Irving
William H Plumbridge  1864 to 1925