The August 1910 issue of “The Crescendo” reported that “Dalton MacGee and Leslie Uncless, both of whom are teachers of the banjo at Syracuse, New York, are now making banjos”.
The types of banjo which they are making are of original style and are for use in concert work”.
Nothing further is known of these makers or their instruments.
According to Partee this style banjo had a tremendous volume and brilliance of tone (although predictably somewhat metallic) as was used extensively by such artists as Cha. E Latshan and “Joe” Hart.
MacCord retired from banjo making in 1890 and bequeathed some of his experimental banjos to Partee who in turn presented the two oldest instruments to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City where they were displayed in a glass case labelled “Banjos of the 19thC”.
Dalton MacGee

Do you have a pre 1940's banjo by this maker? can you supply us some images?