... of 263 Camberwell Road, London in 1895, was one of three brothers, Charles A, Henry G and Walter J all of whom were makers of musical instruments. (Brother Henry gained fame as a builder of organs) .  He was still making banjos there in 1915.
Chas. Hudson worked in a music shop and started the South London Banjo Studio in 1888. He was a clever maker and repairer of musical instruments and specialised in the zither- banjo which he always fitted with extra-wide frets to facilitate the smooth playing of the slide or slur."
In the early 1890’s he was well known as a player of the banjo and gave concerts at the Surrey Masonic Hall and was working from home in his own employment.
He made all the instruments bearing his name and it is interesting to note he was the inventor of the mandolin-banjo with a hoop like a miniature zither-banjo, which he patented in 1899. (no 1484) Â He died in 1946.
for more on Hundson go here Â
Charles Alfred Hudson  1866 to 1946

Do you have a pre 1940's banjo by this maker? Â can you supply us some images?