... established a wholesale and retail musical merchandise establishment at 24 High Street, Aldgate, London, in the 1870's and started to make banjos in the early 1880's; mostly of the smooth arm type; with 12in. hoops- and in five, six and seven-string models. Â
His son, Albert V Ebblewhite was born in 1871 and took over running the the business following the death of his father in 1901
Between the years 1901 and 1918 they sold (as wholesalers and retailers) a great number of zither banjos bearing the name of Ebblewhite as maker but these where made by Arthur Windsor (a personal friend of Ebblewhite), Wilmshurst (of London) and Matthew (of Birmingham).  Ebblewhite also exported Windsor made banjos to the USA under the brand name of AV & Co.
They ceased to market their banjos soon after the outbreak of World War I and the firm closed down completely in 1966 soon after Alberts death.
John Henry Ebblewhite 1829 - 1901