He set up a partnership to make banjos with Clifford Essex but when that was disolved in 1900,  Cammeyer  took over the workshops (established in 1896 at 13 Greek Street, Soho) for the production of his own instruments then later under the name of The Cammeyer Music and  Manufacturing Co.,  Swallow Street, London.
These were mainly zither-banjos but some banjos (and later, plectrum banjos and tenor banjos) were made. The man in charge of the workshops was Sidney W. Young who was responsible for the designs of the famous "Vibrante" and "Vibrante Royal" zither-banjos and the "New Era" banjos bearing the Cammeyer name.
When Cammeyer retired from business in 1939, Sidney Young took over the workshop at Richmond Buildings, Soho, and continued to make instruments under his own name up to the outbreak of World War II. After the war he established a workshop at 70 New Oxford St., "here he worked in conjunction with John Alvey Turner Ltd. until his retirement in 1963.
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Alfred Davies  Cammeyer  1862 to 1949