In January 1924 E L BAiley of 455 Fifth Ave, Brooklyn, New York, advertised a new tenor banjo with:"a tone chamber that gives the resonant tone of the 5 string banjo". Â
From photographs it would appear that the hoop of the instrument was built on the same principles as the early Dobson "bell echo" hoop.
Pictures and description courtesy of Steve Prior
Ed L Bailey Internal Resonator 5 String.  Seems this guy was making high quality banjos but I’ve personally never seen two the same. I have seen banjo mandolins and tenors but all vary in construction, tone rings etc.  Build quality is very good and up there with the likes of Bacon and Vega.  Lovely headstock, extended fingerboard.  This one has a bacon style round rod ring. Very fine player, lovely tone, I prefer it to my Bacon FF.
E L Bailey